People’s Voice screened documentary film “Izzatnagari Ki Asabhya Betiyan” in DIET Jalandhar
A Still from The Film
As a part of series of film screenings held by the People’s
Voice, documentary film “Izzatnagari Ki Asabhya Betiyan” was screened in District
Institute of Education and Training, Jalandhar.
Film Directed : Nakul Singh Sawhney
Directed by Nakul Singh
Sawhney, Izzatnagari Ki Asabhya Betiyan addresses the issue of love, relations
and attitude of Khap Panchyats. Not only the film exposes the socio-political
as well economic factors responsible for such behavior but it also underlines
the vested interest behind Khap Pnachyats. The film also shows which are the
forces who come in support of youth.
Dr. Salish : Introducing the film
The screening of film was followed by discussion on the film
in which issues of intercaste/ interreligious marriages, role of police in
relation to khap panchyats etc. were raised by various participants.
Participants in the screening
While introducing the film, Dr. Salish apart from giving a
brief introduction about the film and filmmaker as well as the organization –
the People’s Voice. He informed the viewers that the organization was established
in 2001. At present, the People’s Voice is holding a film show on the last Sunday
of every month in Desh Bhagat Yadgar Hall, Jalandhar in which screening of film
is followed by discussion on the film. He added that apart from some big film
screenings, the oganisaton is also holding a three day event ‘Dalhousie Film
Meet’ and that the entire activities are organized from contribution collected
from people and without taking any aid from government and other funding
agencies. He thanked the principal, staff, especially Sh.Balbir, and students for
their warm response and cooperation.
-- Kulwinder
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