Jalandhar (Nov 30, 2014) “Iron Is Hot” was the title of the documentary
film screened by the People’s Voice on Sunday in Desh Bhagat Yadgar Hall,
Jalandhar. The film was produced by Akhara, a Ranchi based organization and
directed by the deo Bijju Toppo and Megh
While introducing the film Kulwinder, convener of the People’s
Voice informed the viewers that when in the year 2001, they have taken
initiative in screening of this kind of cinema, there were a few organizations
for screening of documentary films. But now in India there are more than 100 organizations
of this kind as well as more than 250 documentary filmmakers active in India. Then
he gave brief introduction about the film and its directors. The film
highlights the issue of pollution caused by sponge iron manufacturing industry.
The screening was followed by discussion of the film. Participating
in the discussion, Harwinder Bhandal said that the film stresses the need to learn
from trial use of natural resources as compared to capital system. Dr. Cheema
added that though profit is main motive behind the capitalist development, the this
cycle cannot be reversed, the problem is how to solve contradictions of this
development of which capitalism has no answer. Mr. Jagir Kalhon said that be it in Canada or
other part of the world, capitalists have marginalized local residents. Salish
said that film shows both side of issue. Harjinder was concerned about the
silence of intellectuals on such issues. Arundeed added that the film records development
of struggle from peaceful means to militant action. Concluding the debate
Kulwinder said that pollution as well as other issued cannot be addressed by
capitalist system, but the answer is not in looking back. He added that it was
only after the establishment of people’s power that such issued can be
seriously addressed.
In the end, Dr. Meheshwar informed the viewers the organization
is holding similar screenings in schools as well as other institutions. He requested
the viewers to participate in such efforts of the organization.